
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

How To Grow Taller Naturally

Your search for the natural way to grow taller ends here.I am going to tell exact method following which you can increase your height.
There can be many instances in your life which made you feel embarrassed due to some natural setbacks possessed by you. One of such setback is being of a short height.
But to be very frank, being short height is not a matter of embarrassment. It is totally subjective. For example, if you are in the company of people with short height you will feel normal. Its only when someone taller approaches you, you may feel a little uncomfortable.
If you are a short height person, then you must understand that nothing much can be done to grow your height. But on the other hand, it is also true that being taller have certain advantages.
So, in this piece of writing, we shall discuss the methods by which you can grow taller naturally. There is nothing big you need to do to achieve the same. All you need to do is make some minor and simple adjustments in your daily routine and diet.

Factors Affecting The Height Of A Human Being:

There are so many factors on which the height growth of a human being depend. To make it simple for you, we categorize these factors in two simple parts:
  • Genetic Factors
  • Non-Genetic Factors (other factors)

1. Genetic Factors:

About 75% of the height growth is determined by the genetic factors. Thus, the genes which you obtain by birth, play an essential role when it comes to your height. The fact is that height is a polygenic trait, which means that it is manipulated by a range of genes.

2. Non-Genetic Factors:

About 25% of the height growth is determined by the external factors. This mainly includes the environment in which you grow. The growth of your body and height are interrelated. In simple terms, the growth of your body determines how much tall you would be. Some of the external factors which affect the height of a person are:
  • A serious illness during puberty phase or childhood.
  • The quality of care given to a child during the parental or postnatal phase.
  • Low Birth weight.
  • Exposure to harmful smokes (like tobacco smoke) during fetal development.
By knowing all these facts, you must have understood that the simple mantra for developing a good height is to stay fit and stay healthy. You need to take care of yourself and your body in order to accelerate your body growth.
Now, in this article we are going to discuss the important bullets to take care of your health and things to do which may help you in getting taller naturally. These things are not like doing an uphill task. Let’s discuss more about it.

Simple Tips To Grow Taller Naturally:

1. Eat Healthy And Balanced Diet:

Eating right items at a right time is the key to a healthy body and proper growth. You should have a balanced diet full of essential nutrients. You should get enough of Vitamin D, Calcium, Zinc, carbohydrates, fibre, proteins and important nutrients from what you eat. Here are some suggestions for the same:
  • Milk:

Drink milk daily at least twice a day. It contains calcium, which helps in growing bones and cells. Vitamin D and Vitamin B12 are other important nutrients which are essential for your body growth. We all know milk is considered as a balanced diet and this gives you every reason to have a glass of milk twice a day.Preferably you can have one in the morning during breakfast and the other just before sleeping.
  • Spinach

    You Should Include Spinach In Your Diet. This Item Not Only Helps You To Become Stronger But Also Taller. It Contains Fiber, Calcium, Iron, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K And Vitamin B6. Magnesium, Phosphorous, Copper And Potassium Are The Other Nutrients Which Can Be Found In Spinach.
It is also high in protein and low in fat. All these make this ingredient very much suitable if you are willing to have a fair height. You can add it in your juice or smoothie and can take the benefit from it.
  • Carrot 

You Should Include Carrot In Your Diet. It Is Rich In Vitamin A Which Helps In Synthesizing The Proteins In Your Body. You Can Add It In Your Salad Or Make A Juice So As To Take The Maximum Benefit From It.

  • Sardines

Eat Sardines. The sardine fish is very much rich in various nutrients like omega 3 fatty acids, DHA, EPA, proteins and Vitamin D. So consuming this will boost your health and body growth.
These are the basic items you shall include in your diet. Not exactly you need to have exactly the same items as mentioned above. If you don’t like any of the above items, then you can have its alternate like other green and leafy vegetables, yoghurt, fruits, peanuts, mushroom and more.
The most important part of whatever you eat is that you shall eat items that provide the essential nutrients to your body. Eat less or no junk foods.

2. Do Exercise:

Be active. Work on your muscles every day for at least 30 minutes. Do exercises like jumping, skipping and hanging which helps in increasing your height naturally. Sweating while doing exercise is actually very good for your health. It burns calories and also take out some waste products of your body via sweat.
Following are some of the ways by which you can give your body desired physical training:
  • Go To The Gym.

Inside a gym, you can have access to several exercising and muscle building equipments. The environment of a gym is such that you will be self-motivated for doing the workout.
  • Be A Part Of A Sports Team.

When you are part of a sports team, you are bound to have the physical training required. These exercises will help to improve your height.
As an alternate, you can also try swimming, stretching, super stretching, toe touching exercises. All these exercise aids your body to develop height.
If due to some reason, you can’t perform any of the above tasks, then don’t get disheartened. Simply add walking to your daily routine. Do morning walk regularly to the nearby grocery shop, to the nearest library or school. Walking habit keeps you fit and active.

3. Sleep Adequately:

Sleep is that phase of time when your body actually grows. While sleeping Human Growth Hormones (HGH) is produced naturally and this is a key hormone for your body growth. Thus, sufficient sleep is a must for you, if you are under 20.

4. Stand In A Correct Posture:

Always stand in a proper posture. Stand straight all the time and do not hunch your back. By standing in a correct posture, you make yourself look taller.This also help your body to grow in a proper manner.

5. Develop Confidence & A Good Personality:

A person full of confidence is liked by everyone and they always appreciate a good personality. This might sound something unrelated to the topic, but you need to think it in another way.
If you have low confidence and nervous, your shoulder gets down and you look shorter in all aspects. Thus, boost the confidence within you and walk with shoulders up.

6. Make Your Immune System Strong:

The immune system plays an important role in the development of a body. It combats with various diseases and health issue that hinders the growth of a body.
You shall eat healthy foods in order to get essential nutrients and make your immune system function properly. You should eat citrus fruits like lemon, grapes, and oranges to boost the immune system.

7. Drink Plenty Of Water:

Your body needs to be hydrated all the time. If a body is hydrated, it helps it to obtain full growth potential. Water improves digestion, improves metabolism, and flushes out the toxins and more. All these things have a direct impact on your height growth. So drink plenty of water to become tall.

8. Pressure Points:

As per Chinese traditional medicines, there are a number of pressure points in your body that are directly related with your health. Below are some of the pressure points you should work upon for better health and good height.
  • The place between your eyebrows is one of the best pressure points of your body. Use your thumb in upside position and place it firmly for 9 times right between the eyebrows. Then massage the point clockwise nine times and then anticlockwise nine times.
  • The next important pressure point is on the top of your head by going up straight to the top from your ear. This is the softest part of your head. Press it firmly nine times with your thumb. After that massage the point clockwise nine times and then anticlockwise nine times.
  • To get the next pressure point, place three fingers right above your ears. The required pressure point is the one where your index finger is. Use your middle or index finger and press firmly the pressure point for nine times. Now massage the point clockwise nine times and then anticlockwise nine times.
  • Another important pressure point is located at the hollow part between the back of your head and neck. Your thumb shall rest properly in this hollow part of your neck. Press the point firmly for nine times and then massage counter clockwise and the anticlockwise nine times each.

9. Ashwagandha’s Milk Solution:

A mixture of Ashwagandha root and cow milk is one of the best solution in Ayurveda for various health problems. It also helps you to increase your height. Here is the simple method to prepare the solution:
  1. Take some clean and fresh Ashwagandha root and grind it well.
  2. Filter the same to obtain the fine powder and then add an equal amount of powdered sugar to it. Blend and mix it well.
  3. Take 2 tbsps of this powder with 200 ml of milk, every night before sleep.
  4. You must continue this for at least 45 days to get results
It must be kept in mind that this mixture may not be suitable for some people (especially to them who are of warm nature). Therefore, it is advised to consult an expert or a doctor before using the same.

Things To Avoid For Good Health And Proper Height:

Above we have discussed things to do, by which we can achieve good health and proper height. But at the same time, there are few things which shall be avoided by you as it causes harmful effect to your body. These things stop your body growth and height development. These things are:

1. Smoking:

Smoking destroys the cellular structure of the body. Besides it also harms your organs and everything in your body which is essential to enjoy a steady life. It will ultimately stop your height growth.

2. Drinking Alcohols:

Drinking alcohols damages the liver of your body. Needless to say how important it’s for the functioning for your body. If it does not function properly, your height growth will definitely be affected badly.

3. Lifting Heavy Weights:

Shocked? Don’t be. You must understand that lifting heavy weights confuses your body to focus more on muscle growth and thus the height growth may be affected.

4. Stress:

Stress is another bad thing which you should avoid. It produces bad hormones which affect your body growth. So, you have no alternate but be stress-free and smile more.

Firstly, you need to understand that height development mostly depends on genetic factors and nothing much can be done about it. But, there are other factors also, which affects your height growth and those are the ones which can be controlled by us.
This writing gives a detail of all such factors which relates directly with your height growth. By reading it, you must have got a fair idea of what to do and what not to do to grow taller. Stay healthy and Stay natural!
This article was originally published at mavcure

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